Who Should Avoid Permanent Makeup?
Individuals who are one or more of the following:
- Under 18 years of age
- Pregnant or nursing
- Carrying a viral infection and/or autoimmune disease
- Experiencing any kind of skin condition on or around the tattoo area, such as eczema, dermatitis, rosacea, psoriasis
- Prone to keloids
- Diagnosed with COVID-19
- Epileptic
- Allergic to metal and color
- Wearing a pacemaker or experiencing heart issues
- Recent organ transplant patients
- Using Accutane
Individuals who are one or more of the following:
- Undergoing chemotherapy
- Diabetic
- Taking thyroid medications
- Glaucomic
- Diagnosed with high blood pressure
Individuals who are one or more of the following:
- Allergic to lidocaine or epinephrine
- Of very oily skin types and/or sun damaged skin
- Over 50+ years of age
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Can Microblading Be Removed Immediately?
There's a way to removing microblading immediately if you've decided it's not what you want. An "Emergency Tattoo Removal" is an option but only within 48 hours of the microblading. This method is also available for powder brows, ombre brows, or eyebrow tattoos. Because the area is still fresh, there is no need to re-open […]
Who Should Avoid Permanent Makeup?
Permanent makeup and tattoo removal are great options for most people. So who should avoid these procedures? At Kayana Beauty, there are certain exceptions where some individuals are not suitable. Please read the contraindications to check whether you are an eligible candidate. The following applies to all permanent makeup and tattoo removal procedures:
What Is Microblading?
Microblading is a cosmetic tattooing technique used to enhance the appearance of eyebrows. A licensed and certified Kayana Beauty Artist hand etches each individual hair. This intricate process implants pigment into the skin. The "microblade" used is a manual handheld tool composed of very fine needles. The shape of the composed needles resembles a blade […]
PhiRemoval Tattoo Removal vs Laser Removal
You’re here because you’ve decided it’s time to remove that permanent makeup or body tattoo for good. Which tattoo removal method is best for you? Let’s talk about the three major ones in the industry: PhiRemoval Tattoo Removal vs Laser Removal.
Fun Facts About PhiRemoval Tattoo Removal
✧ Non-laser tattoo removal method. ✧ Non-evasive and attacks the source, not the skin. ✧ Way less painful than traditional methods such as laser removal. ✧ Breaks down the most stubborn types and colors of ink, including green, blue, and fluorescent shades. ✧ Safest method of tattoo removal in the industry today. ✧ Effective short […]
Models Wanted for PhiRemoval Tattoo Removal
Calling all pesky tattoos that aren’t cute anymore! We’re looking for eligible candidates with unwanted body tattoos and permanent makeup such as microblading, eyeliner, lip liner and lip blush. Using the revolutionary PhiRemoval tattoo removal method, a painless and non-laser technique, you can see the results after one session! Take 3 very clear pictures of […]