Tattoo Removal Care Instructions
Following suggested Tattoo Removal care instructions are vital to your progress and scar prevention. Learn about preparation and maintenance for non laser tattoo removal.
Before Your Appointment
30 days before your appointment:
- Botox and Fillers
- Laser Treatments
- Vitamin A/Retinol Products
- Fruit or Milk Acids
14 days before your appointment:
- Antibiotics
- Suntanning/Tanning Beds
- Facials and/or Chemical Peels
- Multivitamins, Vitamins C & E, Turmeric, Ginger, Fish and Omega Oils
7 days before your appointment:
- Facial Acids
- Plucking, Waxing, Tinting, Electrolysis
48 hours prior to your appointment:
- Alcoholic Beverages
- Anti-Inflammatories (Advil, Ibuprofen, Naproxen, Aspirin)
12 hours prior to your appointment:
- CAFFEINE! Including Coffee, Decaf, Caffeinated Teas, Coke, Diet Coke, Chocolate, Kombucha
- Working Out
After Your Appointment
Wipe with green soap at the assigned times (8x) or as needed
explained by your artist after your session.
Apply Repair Soothing Gel after each wipe to help alleviate redness, irritability, and itchiness.
Wipe with green soap 3 times (3x): Morning, Mid Day, Evening.
Apply Repair Soothing Gel after each wipe to help alleviate redness, irritability, and itchiness.
DAYS 3 - 6
Wipe with green soap once per day (1x) in the morning.
Apply Repair Soothing Gel after each wipe to help alleviate redness, irritability, and itchiness.
Start balm once per day (1x) in the morning.
Wipe tattoo removal area with green soap first and then apply a very thin layer until all scabs are off.
Apply Enhance Aid Balm daily after tattoo removal area is healed to promote healthy, regenerating skin.
DON'T do anything that causes sweating, especially working out.
DON'T let any water touch the removal area.
DON'T wear any makeup on or around the tattoo removal area.
DO wash your face with a face cloth or wipes around the tattoo removal area.
DO wash your hair by leaning back into a bath or salon style.
DAY 8:
DO start washing your face and hair normally.
DON'T pick, scratch, or rub the tattoo removal area.
DON'T submerge the tattoo removal area in water, ie baths, swimming, hot tubs.
DON'T do any facials, botox, microdermabrasion, laser or chemical treatments.
DON'T go under the hot or direct sun, sun tan, or salon tan.
DO wear Enhance Aid Balm or Defend SPF 30 Sunscreen once all the scabs fall off.
Trust the Process!
Tattoo Removal results vary depending on skin type, lifestyle, precare and aftercare attentiveness.
Informing your technician of your skin condition is key to successful tattoo removal. Keep in touch throughout the entire healing process. Over the next few days, scabs will form over the treated area containing tattoo ink. With PhiRemoval, unwanted ink continues to expel into the scabs as your skin starts healing.
In about under a week, the scabs will begin to flake off, extracting the unwanted ink. And yes, like any other healing process, it's going to be ITCHY. Be patient, and DO NOT PICK AT IT. The Repair Soothing Gel helps a lot with that, as well as the flaking.
You may or may not have secondary scabbing containing even more tattoo ink on the second week. Continue to use the balm until the scabbing process is complete.
As the scar tissues heal throughout the third and forth week, you can apply Defend SPF 30 every day. This helps speed up skin rejuvenation and restoration as well as prevent scarring. You must allow the treated area to heal for at least 6-8 weeks before booking for an additional tattoo removal session.
Regular maintenance and continued use of aftercare products will help protect skin and prevent scarring.