"The kind of glitter that makes you glow."
Freckle Tattoo
A Freckle Tattoo is a process that creates the appearance of natural freckles. It can be either a manual or machine procedure that implants ink into the topmost layers of your skin. This can be on any area such as the nose, cheek, lips, shoulders, or collarbones to resemble real freckles.
Freckle Volume is broken into three categories:
Light: Up to 50 freckles
Medium: 51-100 freckles
Heavy: 101-150+ freckles
Every freckle tattoo involves customized designing and individuality. We map each freckle in a strategic manner, determining placement and freckle volume prior to any tattooing. This ensures you're most comfortable with your new, sun kissed skin.
Frequently Asked Questions About Freckle Tattoos
Does a Freckle Tattoo hurt?
It may cause very little pain or discomfort depending on your skin sensitivity. Due to the gentle nature of the process numbing is not necessary but is available if needed.
How long does it take for a Freckle Tattoo to heal?
Immediately after, you may experience temporary redness or mild swelling around the tattoo. In the following days the freckles will appear dark and raised and can take up to two weeks to completely heal. It will take about another two weeks for the final results to settle in.
How long does a Freckle Tattoo Last?
Results vary depending on your skin type and lifestyle. Annual refreshers and maintenance with aftercare products are recommended to keep the color of your Freckle Tattoo vivid and vibrant.
Normal to Dry Skin: up to 2 years and touchups are recommended annually.
T-Zone Combo and Oily Skin: up to 2 years and touchups are recommended twice a year on average.
Very Oily Skin: up to 2 years and more frequent touchups are required - normally every 4 months.
Note: Certain medications can affect your retention abilities and may cause quicker fading (i.e. anti-anxiety, thyroid, heart medications, etc.)